Hello everyone! I hope all is well with our JuNN / Rune community. I apologize for the long delay with no news updates. A LOT has went on in the past few months!
First I would like to congradulate former JuNN, -=ROV=-Albas on winning the first ever JuNN Horde Low Cal Cup. Albas showed great poise and patience taking home the gold by defeating White, would he had to be twice in the finals! The Legendary KainDragoon took home the bronze, Full details can be found at JuNN Low Cal Cup - Challonge
Also another congrats shoutout to White who has been premoted to Co Leader! Over the past few months White has displayed tremendous leadership qualities that has allowed him to get the nod to Co leader of the Clan!
The Horde Goes in a New Direction!:
With Rune being at its final days (again) JuNN will be looking to expand our Clan into the Ranks of For Honor! For Honor is a game that has a Rune Feel and the Horde is looking forwards the kicking ass and taking names in this game much as we did throughout our years in Rune. JuNN will STILL be active in rune and in the community, we are just excited to continue our brotherhood along with bulding it in a new atmosphere!
JuNN will also be hosting another tournament, Follow us on Discord to get the full details!